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The largest gathering of higher education procurement professions of the year.

Formerly known as the Annual Meeting, EPIC stands for the Educational Procurement Innovation Conference, and it's more than just a name change; it's a transformative experience that will reshape the way you approach educational procurement.

EPIC is the largest in-person NAEP event of the year. Each spring, NAEP brings together hundreds of procurement professionals from schools large and small, public and private, during its four-day conference.

Regional Conferences

NAEP is separated into eight unique regions. Each of these regions hosts a Regional Conference to bring together the members in their individual regions. 



For more information on sponsorship or advertising with NAEP contact us:



NAEP National Office
PO Box 18188
Oklahoma City, OK. 73154

Check Payment Address
PO Box 748532
Atlanta, GA. 30374

Phone: 443.281.9901

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