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NAEP Regional Meetings

Regional Conferences

Regional Conferences are typically held from late summer into the early winter. 

Attending a Regional Conference

NAEP's regional groups serve our Members across the country. Having a large number of relatively small groups meeting locally ensures that even the smallest institutions with the most restricted travel budgets may become involved.

The best place to get to know your contemporaries at nearby institutions is at an NAEP Regional Conference. All NAEP Regional groups meet at least once a year. These one to four-day meetings combine presentations by industry experts, Members, suppliers, and government representatives to help you learn who is doing what in your areas. 



Exhibiting and Sponsorship Opportunities

NAEP is separated into eight geographically defined, unique regions. Each of these regions hosts an annual conference to bring together the members in their individual regions. Having smaller meetings ensures direct facetime with members of that region. These one-to-four day meetings combine presentations by industry experts, Members, suppliers, and government representatives to help you learn who is doing what in your areas.  

In many cases, suppliers who support the annual meeting, also attend many of the regional events. Regional Conferences have opportunities for sponsorship, exhibiting, and connecting. 


NAEP National Office
PO Box 18188
Oklahoma City, OK. 73154

Check Payment Address
PO Box 748532
Atlanta, GA. 30374

Phone: 443.281.9901

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